Resident Evil 6 - Episode: The Quad Tower - Overview
The Quad Tower is the sixteenth part of Leon's campaign and the second part (Episode) of the fifth chapter. This content covers a parts of chapter five, known as “Quad Tower”. Walkthrough: In the square of the building the two check for surviving soldiers. They spot Derek Simmons and point their gun at him. Leon says “Back for more”. Ada arrives with her chopper. Simmons tells Ada that he knows that she did this to him and blames her for all she does. Leon then wishes for Simmons. Then Leon confronts Simmons. Simmons transforms into a dinosaur with an eye inside its mouth. Leon uses the explosives to cause heavy damage to him. Ada provides backup from the chopper. Simmons makes a huge noise that causes trouble for Leon and Helena. He transforms back into his human after taking certain damage. Once he is back in his human form, Leon engages in a fistfight with him. After that Simmons transforms back again to the dinosaur. Leon shoots and destroys the barrels twice as Derek trie...