Resident Evil 6 - Episode: Attack on Tatchi - Overview

“ Attack on Tatchi ” is the fourteenth part of Leon's campaign and the second part (Episode) of the fourth chapter. This content covers two parts of chapter four, known as “Medical Research Center” and “Train”. Walkthrough: Exiting the market Leon and Helena notice Ada entering a building. They decide to move after her. They enter the building. Leon calls her as she is about to pass a door. Ada turns while opening the door but she escapes as the other starts shooting her. Leon and Helena start to track Ada. They take another door downstairs to follow Ada. They move in and see an elevator's arrival, the two then run for the elevator. During the run Leon overhears some conversation about ignoring them and tracking Ada, he also sees Ada on the upper platform. Seems that Ada is controlling the building and trying to stop them. Ada activated a leaser trap but the two managed to get on the elevator. They reach the upper floor with the elevator. As the lobby is trapped with leaser...