Call of Duty: MW3 - Mission: Mind the Gap - Overview
"Mind the Gap" is the seventh mission of Call of Duty: MW3. Marcus Burns, a SAS Commando is the playable character in this mission. The objective of mission “Mind the Gap” is to secure the tucks with unknown supplies. MI6 officer informs to SIS chief about a suspicious shipment headed for London. Chief tells to notify MI5 about the situation. MI5 Director then communicates with Baseplate and provides possible entry points of the targeted location. Baseplate, with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) circles to gather intel on the warehouse area. He described the situation in that area to the SAS Bravo team. Sgt. Marcus Burns, with Wallcroft and Griffen, take the passages behind the warehouse. To secure the warehouse the team kills several enemies. As per the instruction, they did it without alerting any other hostiles. Securing the ally team Bravo enters the warehouse. Clearing the second-floor lobby they move forward to the top floor. Team Sierra also cleared the path for them ...