Call of Duty: MW3 - Mission: Little Bros (Special Ops) - Overview
“ Little Bros ” is the eleventh mission of Special Ops Mission Mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The mission takes place in Berlin, Germany, and covers a partial map of mission “ Scorched Earth ”. The objective is to destroy sensitive data before the Russians get it. Vulture will assist you through the mission. Call of Duty: MW3 - Special Ops: Little Bros Single player walkthrough: Moving out of the “Teknik Deutschland” building you engage with the enemies. Fighting them you move for the LZ, where the Bravo Team will arrive to pick you up. You have to survive for 30 seconds (for every difficulty). Once you are in the landing zone, clear the area for the Vulture, so it land and pick you up. More enemies will come out of the buildings and start firing at the chopper when it starts to take off. Try to kill as many enemies as you can to protect the chopper. The chopper will take you to the roof of a building, the first building “Frost” entered in the mission “Scorched Earth”. Clearin...