Call of Duty: MW3 - Mission: Charges Set (Special Ops) - Overview
“ Charges Set ” is the ninth mission of Special Ops Mission Mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Another training session using the same map (reverse) of “ Stay Sharp ”. An obstacle course with new weapons, more tangos, and explosive breaching. The objective is to clear all enemy targets and reach the other point within the time limit. Call of Duty: MW3 - Special Ops: Charges Set Truck is monitoring the session and will guide Frost through it. In the beginning Truck orders Frost to place a charge on the door. Breaching the door, once Frost moves inside, six targets pop up of whom 2 are civilians. Clearing the room he moves onto the bridge, and finds a dog and two hostile approaching toward him, he kills them and runs forward. Three more targets appear on the bridge, and one on the second floor holding a sniper. Frost then clears that area and moves for the second door. When he gets inside the room breaching the door, he spots six targets there with 2 civilians. Frost clears the room...